
Maybe the most useful tool - because it allows us to test frequently all our flours in order to provide concistancy to our customers and we are also using it to create recipies for our flours and our special breads...

- We have all the different standarts of machines that are used in small bakeries.

- Each customer can ask us to set up a recipee with special baking properties, or with a special variety of wheat, we are able to make the flour you need !

We are selecting the wheat varieties according to their baking properties, thus we have to test each variety all year long, and we test the final product too.

- Our test bakery is also the place where we teach the customers who want to upgrade their skills in baking.


Our specialists answer to all your questions you may have on baking, they will solve any problem you may have, wether you are an industrial, a small baker, or a in-store baker.

Artesienne de Minoterie Ltd- Rue du Moulin - 62490 Vitry en Artois -France